Summer is here

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It seems like yesterday-

This time I will not be writing about Izabella. I will be writing about that day 10 years ago. I remember it just like it was yesterday.....

Bill and I were not even married yet. We were driving to Dallas to visit his cousin, wife and new born baby girl. It was a long drive so Bill and I were taking turns driving and sleeping. We were stopping for gas and switching and Bill came running out of the gas station saying a plan hit the Twin Towers. I thought to myseldf how can I be dating a guy who joked like that. Sadly it was no a joke. He told me to turn on the radio. Within two minutes plane number two. Sleep now longer seemed important. We could not turn off the radio. We heard of the pentagon and Shanksville. This hit me hard because my cousin was working not far from the Pentagon. We pulled off to get something at a Walmart and people were lined up at the gas station stocking up on gas. When walked into Walmart they had TV's on and were showing it over and over again. It was horrible but we could not turn our heads away. Bill used some words not often spoken (those mother uckers). He turned and saw an older lady and apoligized for his language. She said" I could not say it any better". When we finally reached Dallas, I called my parents. I knew they would be nervous. It had never been so good to hear their voices. I wished I could reach through the phone and hug them.

We were suppose to fly back to Chicago. Since flights were canceled we opted to make the long drive day. I remember at one point we were driving and a cop pulled up next to us and gave me the slow down sign. Did not pull me over. I was never so excited to be home from a vacation.

I remember it like yesterday. I think today of the families who were not able to give that hug again. If this has changed anything,I realize life turns on a dime. I never get off the phone with my family without saying I love you. You never know when it is you last. I thank our soliders fighting for our freedom, our police and fire. and their families. God Bless everyone in my life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Baby is Five!

Waiting for friends at my carnival party!

Where did the past five years go? Yesterday we celebrated our long awaited Carnival Birthday. We decided to wait for the weather to get better a couple weeks after her birthday. Well that never happened. As you see we had coats on. However, the rain held out. Izabella had 23 friends. They enjoed carnival games, carnival food such as corn dogs, pizza, popcorn and watermelon. They also brought home some cotton candy. We also enjoyed a pinata. Mostly it was a great chance to see friends.

Some of my family feels I always need to have an over the top party. Yes I do enjoy it. This is the way I see it. She is currently my only child. Not like it would change with others. This was a big birthday. I know that does not explain the other 4. I however feel that she deserves it. Almost 5 years ago, we did not know what her life would be. If she would even make it at times. Now we are Five and heading off to Kindergarten in the Fall. She is a great kid except when she is sassy but that is girls. As her parents there are things we can not always afford to give her but there are three times a year I like to spoil- her birthday, her heart birthday and the holidays. Some people think I am creating stress and I will go on the record and say at no point do I feel stress. I just like things organized. That is just me. I am not a fly by the seat of my pants person.

I want to thank everyone who came to share with us. An extra special thanks to my parents, my sister and brother in law and our friend Maggie for helping. I hope all your children enjoyed it as much as we did.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Way too long

I can not believe it has been over a month since posting so I will try to catch up. We are currently getting ready for summer around here. Bella is signed up for camp 3 days a week. I went back and forth with this but the truth is first is very expense to send her all week. So she is going Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9-1. This will give us afternoons to do things with friends. She also is going to continue to take swim lessons. She is making progress. She will also continue gymnastics. We are trying to make decisions for the Fall. Since she will be starting Kindergarten, there is a lot of things that go on at her school and I honestly do not know if we will will have time for gymnastics and dance. So at the end of the summer we have to make a decision. At her age, it starts to become a huge commitment both sports and we want her to have time to be involved in school stuff such as Daisies. She also in the Fall, will be starting Sunday School.

Bill has been trveling a lot lately. It has begun to become very hard on Izabella. When he come home she either becomes very attached to him or ignores him. Which of course breaks Bills heart. I have been trying to go out a little so they get time alone but then Bella is in tears that she wants me.

The next two weeks are very exciting here. Izabella will be turning Five next Thursday. I can hardly believe it. She is so excited. We will be having a family dinner on her actual birthday and then her party with friends in June. 35 kids here for a carnival birthday. I hope the weather holds up. She also has preschool graduation on the 26th. I have already started buying tissues. I have really been lucky this year with school. She has learned so much. She is reading, doing basic addition and subtraction, and is writing stories.

Overall things are good here. We hope you are all well too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Break 2011

Fashion Show with Abby
Sleepover at my friend Abbys
Tales and Scales with my friends from school
Make a Messterpiece
Waterslide at the waterpark
Betty Brinn Childrens musuem

Last week, Bella was on Spring Break. WHy do they call it that? It is not like we sit and take a break. I know friends and family are saying your fault Lisa. Here is the thing, Bella is an only child, and if we are at home, I have to keep her busy. I mean how often can you play Barbies or American Girl. Also how many time can you watch ICarly or Bubble Guppies? So off we went.

Monday- Since mommy had a root canel, Bella went with a friend to Jump Zone and then met friends at night at the maze at the YMCA.

Tuesday- We went with the Douglass Boys to Make a Messterpiece and Sweet Tomatoes. When we left from there, we picked up Bella's best friend Abby. That evening ended with the birth of Abby's sister Taylor Anne. Also a melt down because she wanted to go to the hospital to see her.

Wednesday- Izabella and two friends from school met at the library to see Scales and Tales. It is a traveling animal show and then lunch at McDonalds.

Thursday- Since mom and Bubbe went shopping for Spring clothes. Izabella went mini golf with Papa.

Friday- We used our new pass at Peggy Notebaret Musuem with Debbie, Ruby and Lila

Saturday- We had our mini vacation. We all drove up to Milwaukee and stayed at a waterpark and also went to Betty Brinn Childrens Musuem.

Monday- We ended break with a trip to Go Bananas with 4 friends with passes Bubbe won.

All and all we had fun. Tuesday, Bella was dropped at school and Mommy rested on the couch.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good old family time

Fruit loop rainbow we made while waiting for jelly
Perfect cookie

Bella and Daddy cutting dough

I love that jelly!

Tasting jelly

We rarely get time to just hang out on the weekend. This weekend, no birthday parties, family or friend commitments, just a day to spend in our PJ's. So we decided to spend the weekend doing things we put off. First was making jelly. We picked the strawberries in September. It is a long, messy process but so good at the end. We now have 40 jars of jelly. It was great for our next project, making hamantaschen. For those who do not know what that is, it is a cookie made for the Jewish holiday Purim. They are triangle in shape with jelly in the middle. They are awesome. Bella also loved the jelly on pancakes for dinner. Check out the pictures.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chicag Blizzard 2011

Bella playing in the snow
Bella sledding down the middle of the street

They had been talking cabout it for days. There was part of me hoping they would be wrong(at least with the totals) but they weren't. Tuesday, I sent Bella to school. Her teachers said to feel free to pick up early if the snow started. About two o'clock, I decide to go out, stop and get movies and crafts to prepare. When I went into Hobby Lobby for about 15 minutes, when I went to check out it was white out. So off I went to get Bella from school. I knew it was going to be bad when it took us 20 mins. to get home when it usually takes 5. We watched and watched the news, hundreds of cars stopped on Lake Shore Drive for 10 hours. I was glad we were all save at home.

The morning brought shock when we saw the amount of snow. Our back door was stuck the snow was half way up it. We measure the front yard and there was 23 inches (some was over 4 ft with drifts). Bill did a great job getting us plowed. About noon, Bella and I geared up to go out. We got our sled and Bella rode it 5 blocks to our friends The Douglass, down the middle of the street ( the only way we could go). Just a side note this brought us no school for the day.

Thursday, Daddy was able to get out to go to work but streets were still bad. Besides that the temp was sub zero, so we were not able to go out. This day brought us lots of crafts. Since again not school.

Chicago is use to snow but this really stopped the city for days.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Heart is like a Zoo

I found this great book Called My Heart Is Like a ZOO By Michael Hall. After Bella read it, we decide we should try to make some of the animals from it. It was great because Bella learned how to fold a paper and cut a heart. All the animals are made of hearts. We are now getting into the Valentines theme around here. Stay tuned for more Valentines crafts

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is it spring/summer yet?

Ok I know I live in Chicago but this weather such. I can deal with the snow but the cold sucks. So Bella and I talked about spring and summer and started a list of things we want to do. Here they are. We are looking for other fun ideas.

1.Pool,pool pool
2. Park
3. zoo
4. Indiana State Beach Park
5. kite flying
6. feed the ducks at Lake Park
7. Mystic Waters
8. learn to ride bike
9. Ride to park for ice cream
10. Picnic
11. lots of art projects
12. Pirates Cove
13. Summer reading program
14. roller skate
16. Navy Pier
17.milwaukee boardwalk
18. farm
19. swim lessons
20 family vacation
21. Camp in backyard

Helps to think

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bella and Stephanie

Bella and Stephanie
Izabella has always made friends very easy. This year when she started school, their was a group of girls who had been friends for a long time and were not very willing to let others in. This has changed and they are friends now. However, Bella's friend Stephanie was an outside too. They began friends on the first day and have been buddies since then. It is very interesting Stephanie is quiet and reserved not like Bella at all. They bring out the best in each other.
Bella's friends have been the same since she was little. We love them and they have been the best kids to grow up with. We think of them and their family as our family. We are starting to be that way with Stephanies. Stephanie's older sister even invited Bella to her school music program. This has been so nice because this is really her first friendship made on her own and not with mommies help.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chore Chart

Tickets for Bella's chore chart
Bella's New Chore Chart

With Kindergarten coming up in the Fall. I decided it was chore time. Bella has been pretty good about helping when asked. However, we decide to do a ticket system. She has three choices in the morning and three in the afternoon. Every time she completes one she earns at ticket. At the end of the week she can cash them in for special family activities.

5 tickets- extra story at night

10 tickets- Family Game

15 tickets- Family Wii night

20 tickets- Movie night

25 tickets- Playdate at our house

30 tickets- Lunch with Daddy

35 ticket- Girly thing with mommy- mani, pedi, Claries

Monday, January 17, 2011

Flat Stanley were are you

Bella and I are sitting and waiting for Flat Stanley. I know some of my friends have received him and are currently working on him. Bella has her map up. If anyone know of people in other states please let me know. These are the ones we have .

Arizona- California- Florida-Indiana- Michigan- Missouri- New Jersey-Pennsylvania-Texas-Washington -Wisconsin-Washington DC

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is my child normal?

I was thinking last night - Is Bella really normal? So yes- we have imaginary friends. I know this is normal because my sister had them. However, Bella takes them to a whole new level. Let's take for example, Ella (her pretend older sister). Two weeks ago, Ella got married in Hawaii. Currently, she is living with us with her husband. He is sleeping on the couch. Ella is sleeping with Bill and I and Bella has the rest of the pretend friends sleeping in her room, stuck to the wall. I have now found out Ella is preganant with twins.

I get that she has them to replace siblings. We are working on it. Nothing like pressure from a four year old. This has also become greater since Bella knows my two closest friends are expecting. But the names- ok Ella normal. We however have Arthur and Tarantralla (yes a spider name) and our pretend dog Pooba.

I love that Bella is so creative. I hope this will be a good thing when she has to do creative writing at school. Ok I guess she is normal but I wonder- where does she get this stuff.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Flat Stanley

I know my family thinks I am nuts but Izabella really does like to do projects. One that I did when I taught Kindergarten was Flat Stanley. I read the book to Izabella and explained about the Flat Stanley Project. We talked about how we are going to do this. So we decide to start with out of state people. I think it will work well because not only do we have family out of state but Daddy travels. So here are the states we have

New jersey- many

washington DC






I am going to email a few others. We will keep you up to date


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter fun

Day 8 of Hannukkah
Model pose at a Michigan Pumpkin farm

Bella and her Halloween candy

Bella Sledding

Bill and Bella Christmas morning

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

I can not believe it has been so long since I have written. One of my resolutions is to blog more often. Where to begin? Well to start off lets get the bad news out of the way. On October 29th, Bill's mother passed away. As many of you know, she fell in June and quickly went down hill. For Bill, even though he grieves the loss of his mother- he is happy she is not suffering anymore. This brought Bill's family into town. For Bella, it was great to see aunt, uncles and cousins. She asked many questions but seems to understand.

On a happier note, my family is well. My sister and Antony will be returning from England in a week. 5 months went really fast but we will be happy to have them back closer to home. My folks are doing well.

Izabella is loving school. I am so glad I choose this school. She has learned so much. She has begun to read and is so excited. They have programs monthly for the parents. Bella really loves her homework. She also is going to lunch bunch, which is when she eats at school twice a week. Also she has been going to school all day on Fridays. I can not believe in the next couple of weeks, we will be signing up for Kindergarten. Where did 5 years go?

Izabella also is continuing to go to tap and ballet. She loves to dance and wants to add more class. She would like to also do cheerleading but I told her either another dance class or cheerleading. We will see in the Fall. Izabella is very much a girly girl but can definately hold her own with the boys.

The holidays were wonderful here. This is the first year, she has been born the holidays have been been at different times. During Hannukah, she was really into asking everyone if they were Jewish or not. Of course, she got way to many gifts. We also got to spend our annual New Years with Auntie Melissa, Uncle Aaron, Abby and Jack. We have done this since Bella and Abby were babiess. Next Year we will be adding another to the group. Auntie Melissa is expecting and we can't wait to meet Taylor in late March. Speaking of babies, it must be in if your last name is Johnson to be expecting. Our friends, Debbie and Mike are expecting baby number 4. Yes you read that right 4. We are so excited for both of them and mommy has already begun shopping. As for us, no news yet but we will keep everyone up to date.

Overall, things are good here. Check back regularly for updates. I hope to get some pictures up soon.