Summer is here

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good old family time

Fruit loop rainbow we made while waiting for jelly
Perfect cookie

Bella and Daddy cutting dough

I love that jelly!

Tasting jelly

We rarely get time to just hang out on the weekend. This weekend, no birthday parties, family or friend commitments, just a day to spend in our PJ's. So we decided to spend the weekend doing things we put off. First was making jelly. We picked the strawberries in September. It is a long, messy process but so good at the end. We now have 40 jars of jelly. It was great for our next project, making hamantaschen. For those who do not know what that is, it is a cookie made for the Jewish holiday Purim. They are triangle in shape with jelly in the middle. They are awesome. Bella also loved the jelly on pancakes for dinner. Check out the pictures.