Summer is here

Friday, July 30, 2010

Can't I just get a shower!!

Remembering the days when Bella was little and I had to take the bouncy seat or excersaucer in the bathroom to get a shower in. Or when she was a toddler and I had to shower when she napped. Now that she is four, I should be able to show in peace. I mean come on 5 minutes. Just enough time to wash my hair and body and every other day shave my legs. Here is how this morning went-

"Bella, I am going to take a shower ok."
"Ok Mom"

Not even a minute later, the door opens!
" Mommy, Daddy is on the phone"
" How do you know?"
" Cause I answered it"
Thinking how?
" Go tell Daddy, I will call him back"
Thank god it was 7:45 in the morning because no one else would call that early.

So as I am washing the soap out of my hair.

" Mommy, where is the jelly"
" In the door"
Second pause
" Bella"
" WHat"
" Come here"
" What?"
"Why do you need the jelly"
" I am making breakfast"
" What are you making?"
" Toast with Jelly and eggs"
"Is everything out?"
by now I am washing in fast motion, hoping by talking to her, my kitchen is not on fire.
I jump out and throw a towel on and go downstairs.

Here is what it looks like:

Toast in toaster but she does not realize that it has to be turned on. Good! No burns or fire.
Eggs( I make a ton of hard boiled because Bella is on a hard boiled kick)
However- like me she does not eat the york so the york is on the table.
She now has the jelly and knife.

So in my towel, I help her get everything made.

Now my thoughts-
1. Independance great
2. Possible danger in kitchen- not good

My bigger thought-

Why is it that my husband can go with a paper in the bathroom, do his business and shave and shower for 20 plus minutes and no one bothers him. I want a five minute shower and my house may go down. Tis the life of a mom!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

getting things in order

As summer is ending, I have decided we need to make some changes in our house. We need order. I know my friends and family are laughing because I am very anal about things.I know Bella is only four but the whining has to stop. It is driving me and Bill nuts.

With that these are my goals:

1. Get an easy chore chart started for Bella. She is great at doing things we ask her to do.

2. Set a night schedule

3. Do some schooling at home. No I am not home schooling

Let me explain the last one. Bella is the type of kid who likes to be busy. Not has to likes to. She also loves school. My husband wants to know why I don't just homeschool her. He did not understandwhy. I explained. You know how much she talks. Just think how much she would talk if she didn't have friends to talk too.

So we will keep you up to date'1

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sick kids

On Friday, (the hottest day of the year) we decided to mini golf with friends in the morning before it gets hot. So when we got home, Bella was quiet. Not Bella but the heat is very hard for her so I did not think twice. When I picked her up, she was burning up! Here we go again. Saturday, high fever, did not eat or drink a thing. Sunday, lower fever and still did not eat. Monday, we had a fever (low) but she was acting like herself. So I figured I would take her in the yard. As we were out there I noticed she had a rash all over her face. So off to the doctor again. Much to our surprise, HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH AGAIN. We just had it 2 months ago. I guess there is 7 different types out there. Crazy! Good news, today we are back to normal. After 4 days not seeing sunlight, we are going out!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Free activities

With us being a one income family, summer can be expensive. So Bella and I have been looking for fun, free activities. The library by us has great activities! Today we made crafts out of recycled materials. They also have a Saturday family program. Last month, we saw The True Story of the Three Pigs. Next month, bubble magic.. On Saturdays Bill has to do his expense reports so we have a routine. Coffee, storytime at Borders and craft at Lakeshore.

This weekend, I have scheduled a cost free weekend-
Saturday- Borders, Lakeshore and the Mt. Prospect Block Party.
Sunday- Kohl's Childrens Musuem is free from 12-5

No be aware when you talk free, you sometimes risk it being crowded.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How is it that summer goes so fast!

So this Spring I made a list of things we could do this summer. It didn't seem like a crazy list. How is that I didn't even get half of it done? Can it be because it has been so hot, we are unable to spend a ton of time outside. Here is an example, we have yet to be at the zoo. We have had our share of being in pools, waterparks, and beaches. Then there is the home projects. Yes, we have gotten our floors done. Every weekend, I think of something but then opt to do something a littlee more fun! It is also hard to get projects done when Bella is here. I am thinking about the weekend already. Baseboards must get done so I can get the 3rd bedroom cleaned out and get my workout in. I know I can go outside but it is too hot to walk outside. Just thoughts! Hope everyone is enjoying there summer.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Millenium Park and the beach

So we decided we could not make it through summer with at least one trip downtown. Target (one of our favorite places) has a family fest going on at Millenium Park. So we just on the "L" (Bella's first time). Let's just say she is a Metra girl. We were downtown at 8:30am. Since this did not start till 10:00, we checked out the Bean! For those of you who are not from around here, the Bean is a huge metal sculpture that looks like a jelly bean. Then we went to the family fest. There was crafts, music and stories. It was a great event and was free. Then we went to the sprinkler area. What fun on a 90 degree day. We finished with a picnic at the park. When we were walking back the skies got darker and darker. Just as we got in the subway, down it came! It was a wonderful day!

Today, we decided to take a trip to Lighthouse Beach. It is a small beach in Evanston. I like it because it is not crowded and clean. The water was cold so we mostly built sandcastles. Also at this beach, they have a nice picnic area and park. So we enjoyed lunch and a little park time. What better way to end our time with a little ice cream! Summer really is great in Chicago!

Friday, July 16, 2010

enrichment classes

So like every parent- I think Bella is a bright kid. She is the type of kid who must be busy. In the Fall- Izabella will be attending Junior Kindergarten 4 afternoons a week. Yeah! Mommy now has no excuse not to workout. Anyways- this does not leave much time for other things. She will continue to dance. There are so many things she wants to try. So I found this wonderful enrichment program. You sign up weekly for what classes you will be attending. This summer she will be trying out the arts program ie dance, drama, art, In the Fall, she will do the literacy based ones. They also offer math and sciencce but right now she is not really interested in those things.

We went to visit yesterday! Bella as unsual jumped in with two feet. The director gave us a tour and of course we could not get Bella out of the dramatic play area. She has shown me all the babies they have there. The director offered to let her try out an art class. It was nice. She did watercolors and the teacher also gave them time for playdough. Bella was shocked, it could be indoors. I have an outdoor policy with it. They have a wonderful area for parents to sit in. It is a 50's diner. I meet some really nice moms.

The best part- the cost! Preschool is very expensive this year. The registration fee is $10.00 for the year. Each class is $5 but like I said you choose what fits your schedule each week! We will be going to 3 classes next week, yoga, dance, and art. I am so glad stopped by!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I want to be a big girl!

So those who know Bella, know she is tiny. She looks like the baby duckling when walking with a group of her peers. Now lets be honest, height does not run on either side of the family. My dad is the tallest on my side at about 5'5 and on Bill's side he is the tallest at 5'9. On the positive side I still can get he into place as 2 1/2- 3 (if she doesn't open her mouth). On the negative side, she sometimes needs to sit out because she does not make the size requirement.

SO this morning, Bella wakes and asks me her favorite question "What's my day"? I tell her we are going to lunch and Make A Messterpiece with Jenna and Amanda. Jenna and Amanda are her big girl friends (Jenna is 7 and Amanda is 8). They are daughters of my good friends Esther and Debra. She jumps up and runs back in her room. I go to brush my teeth and I hear click click click. I look downstairs and she is wearing dress up heals. Izabella tells me she is wearing these shoes when we go out. I tell her these are home shoes and not safe to wear out. She tells me she has to so she looks like a big girl. I tell her she is. She cries. I ask her what this is really about. She said she wants the people at the store to know she is a big girl when with Jenna and Amanda and not their baby sister. I get it now.

SO we talk about how she is a big girl and when she is 7 and 8 she will be bigger. I also explain to her that she is a big girl and if she was not Amanda and Jenna would not invite her. She then lists all the things they let her do with them. She smiles and tells me how much they love her. That they do. It really is a great friendship. Jenna is an only child and Amanda has 2 younger brothers and has asked for a sister. SO you ask me it is perfect, Bella has two big sisters and Jenna and Amanda get their little sister!

It never stops amazing me what goes through her head. Thank you Jenna and Amanda for being good friends to her. It means so much!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bella's annual swim party

Every summer we have a party with Bella's friends. Mostly, it gives us the chance to see everyone. Usually, we plan it around the anniversary of her surgery. This year, we decided to do it early and celebrate as a family on the 15th of August. I realize how much my life has changed. I am so lucky to have an amazing group of friends with amazing kids. It is great that my Bella sees them as an extended family. I know I can trust them with her and she will be well taken care of.

So the party consisted of 22 kids and 10 moms. Yes, I am nuts. We ended up with great weather. The kids swam and played in the yard as the moms talked. We decide to do a BBQ and had hot dogs and all sorts of treats. What better to wash it down with then a popsicle. Here are some pictures of our day!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

weekend fun

Sorry I have not updated in a few days. Enjoying summer fun! So Friday my mom and I took Bella to Green Meadows Farm. My mom use to take us there as kids. It is in Waterford Wisconsin but worth the hour drive. I love that it is hands on. Bella loves animals so this was perfect for her. We did the following: rode a pony, held a chick, petted bunnies, took a hayride and held chickens. I would totally reccomend it. The nicest part was being able to talk Bella somewhere I went as a child. There are not many of those places open. Here is a picture of Bella holding a chicken. She was so proud!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting on the ball with working out!

I go to bed every night saying I am going to get up and work out. Does that work NO? So I say when Bella goes down I will work out, NO again. I am way to tried at night. SO when is a good time. I know I need to lose weight. I need to take care of myself. I keep saying that. Why can't I do it. I think I take good care of my daughter, husband, family and friends. Why can't I make time for me?

So here are my goals:

1. Work out 4 times a week- Bill is home on the week ends so no excuses. That means I need to find 2 days during the week.

2. Eat healthier- we rarely eat lunch at home. Between classes and plans with friends, we are usually out.

3. Lose 20lbs by the end of the summer- Labor Day. It does not make senses to make a high goal. I figure 8 weeks, 2-3 pounds.

I really need to do this for myself. I hope I follow through!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Spray Park

Izabella loves waterparks! One problem- they can get expensive. I don't mind spending the money on fun but let's be truthful- Bella can't do must things at the waterpark at this age. So I decided to take her to Buffalo Grove Park Districts Splash and Play. It is great! It cost us $3.00 a person. We are able to bring lunch in to picnic and there is a park right next door! All it is is sprinklers and water tables. I highly recommend it for kids up to about 6. I did see some older kids there.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kids today!

So every morning Bella wakes up and says " What's my day"? I have created a little calendar for her of things going on. So she checks the calendar i.e learns days of week, numbers and reading skills. This morning, I thought about how busy we are all the time. I asked myself why. I went back to thinking of my childhood. Remember you got up and rode your bike and were gone all day. No one entertained you. Now the park districts try to one up each other with the lastest classes.

So I thought to myself have I created this. The answer is yes! I grew up in a house with a wonderful mother. She was a brownie leader, room mom, motor mom, lunch helper and so on. I always wanted to be this type of mom. The problem is the world is different. I grew up in an amazing neighborhood. I had extra parents and extra siblings. No matter the age or the sex we played together. I still feel this way about these people. We are all spread out but I know when we see each other it is like old times. The problem is even though we live in a nice neighborhood, kids can't be out alone. So that is why we sign our kids up for these things so they can develop social relationships. It is so sad for our children. Bella is very lucky she has made some amazing friends from this. I have mom friends I know I can leave my child with like I did as a kid. So to my amazing friends, thank you for allowing Bella to have the childhood I had!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Let's try this out!

Hi everyone- So I created this blog so I can talk as a stay at home mom. I also am writing this for my daughter. Someday I will forget and can remember.

So my thoughts of the day:

Children during remodeling-

So we have just finished putting hardwoods in. This was a week long process. My house was turned upside down and I have a 4 year old who needs to be busy. Today is the day I get to start putting my house together. Yeah! Of course they are driving me crazy! Luckily Bella is back to camp and Bill is ba ck to work.